What is an object?
Ans: A group information that holds the information about data,
methods from a class.
What is a class?
Ans : A collection of data and methods
What is an interface?
Ans: In OOP model inheritance is used to provide a interface
between unrelated classes and methods
What is inheritance, and why do you need it?
Ans: its is a method of the inheriting the properties of base
class into an another class. Its use ful when we need a class with
more functionality than the parent class. So we simply inherit the
base class to the new class. The new class has all the properties of
base class plus the the additional methods added in the new class
What is the Hollywood principle?
Ans: No idea
What is coupling?
Ans: its is described as how the one module is related to the the
other modules
What is tight coupling, is it bad or good?
Ans : if One module is heavily related to the the other modules is
referred as tight coupling . It is not good.
What are design patterns? What design patterns do you know,
which of them do you use?
Ans : No idea
What is the difference between equations of objects $a == $b and
$a === $b?
Ans : checks whether $a == $b equals, but the $a === $b is not only
checks equal, but also check its type.
What is the garbage collector? Describe the disadvantages of the garbage collector in PHP earlier than 5.3?
Ans : It is defined as the memory management, which reallocated the
resource's memory with no future usage.
Please give me the uncompleted answers though the comments
[Saturday, November 29, 2008
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