1 In PHP5 objects are passed by reference to a function when (Select the answer that is the most correct):
Always; objects are passed by reference in PHP5
When the calling code preceeds the variable name with a &
Never; objects are cloned when passed to a function
When the function paramater listing preceeds the variable name with a &
2 What three special methods can be used to perform special logic in the event a particular accessed method or member variable is not found?
Answers: (choose 3)
__call($method, $params)
__set($variable, $value)
3 When running PHP in a shared host environment, what is the major security concern when it comes to session data?
Sessions on shared hosts are easily hijacked by outside malicious users
All of the above
You cannot use a custom data store in shared hosts
Session data stored in the file system can be read by other scripts on the same shared host
Users outside the shared host can access any site which created a session for them
4 In PHP 5, the ________ method is automatically called when the object is created, while the _______ method is automatically called when the object is destroyed.
__construct(), __destruct()
<Class Name>, __destroy()
<Class Name>, ~<Class Name>
__startup(), __shutdown()
__construct(), __destroy()
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[Thursday, February 21, 2008
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