// function to calculate the elapsed time from microtime
function elapsedTime($startTime = '', $endTime = '',$format="SECONDS",$decimals = 4)
if (!$startTime)
return '';
if (!$endTime)
$endTime = microtime();
list($startMicroSecond, $startSecond) = explode(' ', $startTime);
list($endMicroSecond, $endSecond) = explode(' ', $endTime);
//number_format(($em + $es) - ($sm + $ss), $decimals);
$format = strtoupper($format);
if($format == 'SECONDS'){
$timeVal = number_format((($endMicroSecond + $endSecond) - ($startMicroSecond + $startSecond)),$decimals)." SECONDS";
else if($format == 'MINUTS'){
$timeVal = number_format((($endMicroSecond + $endSecond) - ($startMicroSecond + $startSecond))/60 ,$decimals). " MINUTS";
else if($format == 'HOURS'){
$timeVal = number_format((($endMicroSecond + $endSecond) - ($startMicroSecond + $startSecond))/3600,$decimals). " HOURS";
else if($format == 'DAYS'){
$timeVal = number_format(((($endMicroSecond + $endSecond) - ($startMicroSecond + $startSecond))/3600)/24,$decimals)." DAYS";
return $timeVal;
// How to use ....
$a = "0.85969200 1242372611";
$b = microtime();
// examples
echo '<p>Elapsed Time in Days: '.elapsedTime($a,$b,"DAYS",2).'</p>';
echo '<p>Elapsed Time in Hours: '.elapsedTime($a,$b,"HOURS",2).'</p>';
echo '<p>Elapsed Time in Minuts: '.elapsedTime($a,$b,"MINUTS",2).'</p>';
echo '<p>Elapsed Time in Seconds: '.elapsedTime($a,$b,"SECONDS",2).'</p>';
// only starting time
echo '<p>Elapsed Time in Hours: '.elapsedTime($a,'',$format="HOURS",6).'</p>';
// start time only with no format and no decimel positions
echo '<p>Elapsed Time in Seconds: '.elapsedTime($a).'</p>';
enjoy PHPing
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